Department of Medicine Grand Rounds (AY 2022-2023)

Grand Rounds from other academic years:

Thyroid Eye Disease: From the Ophthalmologist’s Perspective 6/15/2023

Pavle Doroslovački, MD
Ophthalmology/Oculoplastic Surgery
MedStar Eye Institute
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
MedStar Washington Hospital Center

Letter to a Young Female Physician 6/8/2023

Suzanne Koven, MD, MFA
Valerie Winchester Family Endowed Chair in Primary Care Medicine
Massachusetts General Hospital
Associate Professor of Medicine
Harvard Medical School

Hospital Harm Reduction: An Interdisciplinary Approach to the Opioid Epidemic 6/1/2023

Rita Poon, MD
Academic Hospitalist
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Laura Haseldon, MD, MPM
Health Policy Fellow, MedStar Georgetown Emergency Medicine
Emergency Physician, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital, Harbor Hospital

Sumeet Deogan, PharmD, MS, BCPS, BCCCP
Clinical Pharmacy Specialist
Emergency Medicine
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Thaddeus Wientzen, BS
Overdose Survivor Coach MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Health Disparities in SLE: Intersection of Medicine and Public Health 5/4/2023

Networking and Mentoring: Ingredients for a Successful Research Career

Rosalind Ramsey-Goldman, MD, DrPH
Gallagher Research Professor of Rheumatology
Northwestern University Feinberg School of Medicine

Goodbye Diabetes Insipidus: Rationales for Changing the Name of Diseases 4/27/23

Joseph G. Verbalis, MD
Professor of Medicine
Chief, Endocrinology and Metabolism
Director, Georgetown-Howard Universities Center for Clinical and Translational Science
Georgetown University

The AML Genome – A Practical View 4/20/23

Gustavo Rivero, MD
Associate Professor
Lombardi Cancer Institute, Leukemia Program
Georgetown University School of Medicine

COVID-19 Turns 3: Variants, Vaccines, and Treatments 4/6/23

Rebecca N. Kumar, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Life After Liver Transplant: The Light at the End of the Tunnel 3/30/23

Kathleen Nilles, MD
Transplant Hepatologist
MedStar Georgetown Transplant Institute
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Breaking From the Past: Redefining Leadership 3/23/23

Roopa Dhatt, MD
Executive Director and Co-Founder; Women in Global Health

Novel Diuretic Strategies – 3/16/2023

Christopher Wilcox, MD PhD
Walters Family Chair in Cardiovascular Research
Professor of Medicine
Department of Nephrology & Hypertension
Georgetown University

Vasculitis for the Primary Care Doctor 3/9/2023

Lauren N. Smith, MD, MHS
Department of Rheumatology MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Perioperative Medical Management of the IBD Patient 3/2/23

Benjamin Cohen, MD
Co-Section Head and Clinical Director
Department of Gastroenterology, Cleveland Clinic

Navigating the Politics of Healthcare Reform: A Survivor’s Guide 2/23/23

Chris Jennings
President; Jennings Policy Strategies

Novel Therapies in AChR + Myasthenia Gravis 2/16/23

Shreya Gandhy, DO
Assistant Professor
Department of Neurology
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

VEXAS Syndrome: Need for a Multidisciplinary Approach 2/2/23

Pedro E. Alcedo, MD
Hematology and Oncology
Department of Medicine
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression 1/26/23

Willa Xiong, MD
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Medical Director
Psychiatric Partial Hospitalization Program
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Firearm Safety & Violence Prevention 1/19/2023

Christine E. Petrin, MD, MPH
Internal Medicine/Pediatrics
Georgetown University School of Medicine

Lessons in Allyship: The Impact of Microaggressions and Debriefs 1/5/2023

Sneha S. Daya, MD
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of General Internal Medicine/Pediatrics
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Outpatient Management of Opioid Use Disorder by the Internist 12/15/2022

Ann R. Garment, MD, FACP
Clinical Associate Professor of General Internal Medicine
New York University Grossman School of Medicine
Medical Director; Primary Care Addiction Medicine Clinic, Bellevue Hospital Center Section Chief; General Internal Medicine, Bellevue Hospital Center

Insomnia: Evaluation and Treatment 12/8/2022

Anne E. O’Donnell, MD
The Nehemiah and Naomi Cohen Chair in Pulmonary Disease Research
Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine
Georgetown University Medical Center
Chief; Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep Medicine
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Every Breath You Take: Updates on Influenza, RSV, and COVID-19 12/1/22

Rebecca N. Kumar, MD, MS
Assistant Professor of Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

HIV and Gene Therapy: Control but No Simple Cure: Why Not? 11/10/2022

Bruce A. Luxon, MD, PhD
Anton and Margaret Fuisz Professor
Georgetown University School of Medicine
Chair and Physician in Chief
Department of Medicine
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Gayle P. Balba, MD
Associate Professor
Department of Medicine
Program Director; Infectious Diseases Fellowship
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Pregnancy and Valvular Heart Disease 11/3/2022

Vaani P. Garg, MD
MedStar Heart and Vascular Institute
MedStar Washington Hospital Center

General Approach in Clinical Management of Thyroid Nodules 10/27/2022

Leila Shobab, MD
Assistant Professor
Division of Endocrinology
MedStar Washington Hospital Center
Research Affiliate, Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center
Department of Medicine
Georgetown University School of Medicine

Defining Skill in Endoscopy: Quantifying the Force 10/20/2022

Louis Y. Korman, MD, FASGE, FACG
Co-Director of Clinical Research; Capital Digestive Care
Clinical Associate Professor of Medicine
George Washington University School of Medicine
Attending Physician; Digestive Disease Branch
NIDDK, National Institutes of Health

Nephrotoxicity from Immune Checkpoint Inhibitors 10/13/2022

Jose Manuel Monroy Trujillo, MD
Assistant Professor
Associate Program Director
Division of Nephrology
Johns Hopkins Hospital

“Complement”ary Therapy in Autoimmune Disorders 10/6/2022

Catherine M. Broome, MD
Associate Professor
Medical Director; Cellular Apheresis
Hematology/Oncology, MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Department of Medicine

Bronchiectasis: Resurgence of an Old Disease 9/29/2022

Anne E. O’Donnell, MD
The Nehemiah and Naomi Cohen Chair in Pulmonary Disease Research
Professor of Medicine
Department of Medicine
Georgetown University Medical Center
Chief; Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep Medicine
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

High Risk Donors and High Risk Recipients: Expanding the Organ Pool 9/22/2022

Joseph G. Timpone, MD
Associate Professor
Associate Dean; Student Research, Georgetown University School of Medicine
Division of Infectious Diseases
Section Leader; Transplant/Immunocompromised Service

Dermatologic Manifestations of Infections in the Inpatient and Outpatient Setting 9/8/2022

Freba Z. Farhat, MD
Assistant Professor of Dermatology

Understanding Hospice Care 9/1/2022

Allen H. Roberts, II, MD, MDiv, MA, FACP, FCCP
Physician Executive Director; In-Patient Operations
Associate Medical Director
Division of Pulmonary, Critical Care, Sleep Medicine
Department of Medicine
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Rachel M. Adams, MD
Chief; Palliative Care Division
Department of Medicine
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Lisa M. Boyle, MD, FACS
Associate Professor of Surgery
Vice President of Medical Affairs and Chief Medical Officer
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Global 2 Local – Advancing Equity through Comprehensive Service Delivery

Sonak Pastakia, PharmD, MPH, PhD, BCPS, FCCP
Professor; Purdue University College of Pharmacy, West Lafayette, Indiana
Pharmacist; Academic Model Providing Access to Healthcare (AMPATH), Eldoret, Kenya
Adjunct Assistant Professor; Indiana University School of Medicine, Bloomington, Indiana
Visiting Lecturer; Moi University School of Medicine, Department of Pharmacology, Eldoret, Kenya

Dobbs and its Aftermath 8/18/2022

Sara Rosenbaum, JD
Founding Chair; Department of Health Policy, George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health
Harold and Jane Hirsh Professor of Health Law and Policy; George Washington University Milken Institute School of Public Health

The Best Diet for Your Heart 8/11/2022

The Best Diet for Your Heart: Is it Only About the Food You Eat?

Stephen L Kopecky, MD
Chair for Education; Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Mayo Clinic
Professor of Medicine; Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science
Director of Preventive Cardiology Fellowship Program; Department of Cardiovascular Medicine, Mayo Clinic
Director; Statin Intolerance Clinic, Division of Preventive Cardiology, Mayo Clinic

Pheochromocytoma and Paraganglioma 7/28/2022

How new advances in genetics, biochemistry, functional imaging and animal models are revolutionizing the way we care for patients.

Karel Pacak, MD, DSc, PhD
Senior Investigator
Section on Medical Neuroendocrinology

Opening the Travel Floodgates: Care for the Ill Returned Traveler in 2022 7/21/2022

Adrienne Showler, MD ScM DTM&H
Director, Tropical Medicine
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital
Attending Physician
Clinical Parasitology Service
National Institutes of Health

Changing Treatment Landscape of Hepatobiliary Cancer 7/14/2022

Aiwu Ruth He, MD PhD
Associate Professor of Medicine
Lombardi Cancer Center
MedStar Georgetown University Hospital

Operationalizing Health and Racial Equity Concepts in Health System Performance 7/7/2022

Christopher J. King, PhD, FACHE
Associate professor
Dean, School of Health
Chair, Department of Health Systems Administration
Georgetown University School of Nursing & Health Studies
